Types of Manuscripts

1) Novel Research

Novel research articles provide a method for scientists to communicate their findings with other scientists in an orderly, logical manner. This type of manuscript requires independent and unique scientific studies. The author(s) are required to conduct their own experiments and collect qualitative and quantitative data. The manuscript follows the standard format, which includes an abstract, an introduction, materials and methods, results, tables and graphs, discussion, acknowledgments, and references. In addition, clinical trials must be registered with the World Health Organization. Manuscripts can be of any length, however, must display a notable finding. Corresponding tables and graphs must be accompanied by descriptions and explanations of their pertinence to the study. There are no restrictions on word count. References must be in AMA/APA format.


2) Review Papers

Review Papers require an in-depth congregation of valid academic information from credible databases (Scopus, Pubmed, etc.). A minimum of 20 articles should be cited and should feature an abstract, introduction, discussion, and conclusion section. Any graphs, charts, and illustrations must be your own or from an open-source library, and may not infringe on another author’s copyright. Your literature review paper should be your own analysis coupled with your cited sources; it should explain the importance of your research topic and should enhance the existing information that is already published. Manuscripts can be any length, however longer and more detailed review papers are preferable. There are no restrictions on word count. References must be in APA/AMA format.


3) Science/Public Policy Forums: 

Policy Forum manuscripts should feature relevant and recent biomedical and societal advancements and must be written in a clear, easy-to-understand format. An emphasis on further implications of the research, rulings, or other decisions should be included as well. These may encompass possible societal, economic, or political aspects, detailing the significance of the relevant case. The title should accurately describe the case in question and a smaller subheading should be included as well. We recommend authors also submit a relevant image with a description and a properly cited source.

Length: 500-800 words

References: up to 10 references, emphasizing more recent literature relevant to the analyses of the original study (Submitted in AMA/APA format)


4) Perspective Article

Perspective articles present a viewpoint on a specific area of investigation. They should provide the following: 1) Discuss current advances and future directions, 2) Clear presentation of the authors’ perspective, 3) Accurate presentation and citations of other authors’ work, 4) May include original data as well as personal insights and opinions. Perspective articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 3,000 and may contain no more than 2 Figures/Tables. Perspective articles should have the following format: 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction, 3) Subsections relevant for the subject, 4) Discussion.


5) Book Review 

A book review should center around scientific literature (e.g., A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution by Jennifer Doudna & Samuel H. Sternberg) or medical books that are credible, timely, and interesting. The book review is a critical evaluation of the content, not merely a summary. The author(s) should clearly state the opinion of the work in question. This manuscript does not exceed 1,000 words and features an introduction, a thesis, discussion, and conclusion. All the important details, themes, research, and more are to be highlighted and discussed in detail. Please cite references in the AMA/APA format.


6) Humorous Cartoon

These submissions should occur in the form of your own images/drawings and your unique scientific ideas delivered in a light-hearted tone. The cartoon could be a short comic, a pun or joke, or anything that is a less serious, joking delivery of scientific content. Please make sure that it is in color, easily readable, and appropriate for younger audiences. Please refrain from using material already existing online. Our editors are not responsible for verifying originality. The author(s) will handle any issues with copyright. By publishing with our Journal you certify that the artwork and its content are of your own creation. (AMA/APA references if needed).